I am a former media and marketing executive turned health + life coach who—maybe like you—found herself in the crosshairs of career burnout AND the menopause transition.

I’ve been there, I know what it feels like, and I know just how hard it is to pick yourself up and try to create a change. It takes a lot of soul searching, introspection, honesty, a little bit of daring, and sometimes, a whole lot of faith. 

But you and I both know—you still have SO. MANY. THINGS. left to do. And, the best part of that? You now have built-in experience to do them—so let’s clear out the mental noise, fire up your energy, and tap that inner wisdom, shall we?

See some of my go-to mantras below!

I'm Maria, here to fire you back up!

If you can imagine it, you can achieve it.
Your personal history is proof of that ;)

You can either live your dreams... or your fears. #ichoosedreams

Putting yourself first allows you to better serve others. #getonyourlist

I believe:

"At the end of the year I was feeling uninspired, but just after these few sessions, I have found some inspiration for sure. I like that we also are narrowing down to [career] ideas that are in still in the wheel house and that I don't have to completely reinvent the wheel." 

"I wish I could do this every day."

Ellen A.

"After just 10 sessions, I have greater confidence, my relationships at home and work are better, and I've come to recognize what is healthy for me, while letting go of what isn't."

"I can see how much the needle has moved."

Beth R.

"Maria helps you bring your health goals to a new level with consistency and dedication to your needs and circumstances. Above all, she is an AMAZING listener and always knows how to make you feel heard."

"Maria makes it all feel tangible, not overwhelming."

Carrie S.

"Maria has the ability to make you feel so comfortable. In our sessions, she listens intently and asks me questions that really make me think about what it is that I want. I look forward to our weekly calls! 🙂"

"Maria has made me a better person."

Dara D.
