You want to be:
Your healthiest self ever. Passionate about your career. Filled with a sense of purpose. 
Deep down inside, we all know what we want and what to do.  Yet despite that, we tend to get caught in a state of inertia—change seems so formidable.  Not anymore.  I am here to champion your vision!  So let's tap that power and wisdom locked inside—you've got this!

Putting you in back in touch with that fierce, confident side of you.

Tools you can employ to drive a more empowered experience in midlife


Weekly, 1-on-1 coaching with me for 12 weeks to fire yourself back up!


It's Menopause 101—plus how you can change and flourish thru the experience



Looking to get your energy and momentum back?  Whether it's your job that has you drained or the effect of hormone loss, this program helps you re-establish that connection to yourself while giving you the tools you need to energize and go after what it is you want—whether that be rediscovering a passion for your career, a healthier and more capable you, or BOTH!

Power Surge 90-Day Program

This 24-week program is designed to not only put your menopause or burnout in check, but help you achieve your next-level self—whether it’s achieving that long sought-after career goal or finally manifesting a personal passion. With this program, we dive deep on identifying limiting thoughts, dismantling the hold of your inner critic, and building confidence and resilience that allows you to take big leaps. 

Midlife Re-Mastered Six-Month Journey 

Coaching Programs


Book a complimentary discovery session!

Ready to prioritize YOU? 
Booking a FREE one-hour discovery session is where your journey can begin. 

Ready to prioritize YOU? 

Booking a FREE one-hour discovery session is where your journey can begin. In this dedicated hour, we uncover the powerful vision you hold for your health, career and/or life, identify the obstacles standing in your way, and what you can do to move forward. 

Plus, you'll get a glimpse into into how I work and what my programs can offer you.
Renewed motivation is but a click away!