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Mind over menopause? Your outlook can impact your experience

Did you know that in countries and cultures where menopause and aging are NOT viewed in a negative light, women do not report being as bothered by symptoms? Moreover, the inverse can heighten the menopause experience: a systematic review of original research studies found that women with more negative attitudes toward menopause reported more symptoms during the menopausal transition!

Now if, like me, you were taken a bit by surprise by your perimenopause experience you may be in a place that feels far from positive. Fair—you were left unprepared. That said, we can change that (and more) and therein lies the opportunity. Menopause GIVES YOU AN OPPORTUNITY(!) to change, to learn, to embrace a new vision of yourself. It’s that mindset that can change your whole experience.

Ready to start? Here are a few mantras that can help you adopt a more positive outlook around the menopause transition. (Feel free to add them to your phone screen to reinforce your new outlook each day!)

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